
Assessment Services

According to our understanding of values, personnel assessment enables a valid analysis, recording and interpretation of abilities, personality characteristics and attitudes of applicants, employees and executives. The objective is to create a complete picture of the individual skills, characteristics as well as preferences of a person. The result helps to make well-grounded decisions with regard to the job/profession, the task as well as the current and future roles and responsibilities. In addition, personnel assessments provide a meaningful baseline for personnel development or general learning decisions in a deep-learning organization. Which methods are used:


Management Audit

A management audit is a deep review of the management of your organization. It is used to identify management strengths and weaknesses and to make specific recommendations for improvement. The goal of a management audit is to improve the efficiency, effectiveness and impact of individual executive team members and to ensure that the organization is on track to achieve its objectives in a sustainable manner. A management audit is an important part of professional organizational development and can provide useful insight that will help the organization stay successful.

Management audit

Individual Assessment Center

Focus is the evaluation of the capability and the potential of an individual. In a one-to-one assessment center, the applicant, employee, executive typically goes through various hands-on exercises and real-life tasks designed to assess specific skills, knowledge, and behaviors. For example, these may include simulation interviews with employees, department presentations, two-way discussions, or extensive and confidential individual interviews. In addition, psychological tests are always used to obtain further information about personality and attitudes. A report of the assessment will be discussed with the participants personally and confidential, including a systematic development plan. Typical reasons for an Individual Assessment Center are, for example, to assess the suitability of a candidate for a specific position or function, or to identify specific development actions for an individual as a matter of appreciation.

Einzel assessment center

Team Audit

A team audit is the assessment and review of a team's performance within an organization. The goal of a team audit is to identify areas for improvement, increase team cooperation,
and ensure that the team is adequately "paying in" to the overall goals with its team objectives. During a team audit, the team's structure, processes, communication, decision-making and goal-setting processes are evaluated. The focus is on the individual roles and responsibilities of the team members but also to make individual strengths more transparent for the team. The results of a team audit can provide valuable insights and recommendations for improving the team's performance.

Dp team


Outplacement refers to support provided by companies to exiting employees in finding a new career perspective. Generally, outplacement is offered by companies to help ease the transition of affected employees following a termination or downsizing and to enable them to quickly reintegrate into the job market. Within the outplacement program, we offer the relevant employees various support services, such as a personnel diagnostic support in the definition of any potential, consulting in the search for new employment, support in the preparation of an application document or in the training for job interviews, as well as support in the identification of possible employers and the development of networks. Our goal, without compromise, is to enable the employee who is affected to find a new career quickly and successfully, thereby also boosting the company's image as a responsible company in its social responsibility.
